English For Nursing-Unit 4: Yes/No Questions
Sekolahbahasainggris– In this section you will have a n exercise in purpose to enrich your knowledge about Yes/No Questions.
- The students of nurses are hoped to be able to use the words hospitalize, disinfect, treatment, ward, procedure, cross.
- The students are hoped to be able to using are, is and also am, do, and does +subject.

Please say the following words and find the meanings of it.
- Sterilize->> Membersihkan
- Sterilization->>
- Trolley->>
- Ward->>
- Hospitalize->>
- Hospitalization->>
- Disinfect->>
- Disinfectant->>
- Surgical->>
- Surgery->>
- Surgeon->>
- Intervention->>
Please memorize the following vocabularies
- Hospitalize(v)->> Does Rudy being hospitalized today?
- Hospitalization(n)->> Ronny needs hospitalization.
- Disinfect(v)->> Nurse disinfect the patient with NaCl.
- Disinfectant(n)->>You know that the Lysol is disinfectant fluid.
- Trolley->> The nurse put the trolley to the room.
- Treat(v)->> Surgeon’s team was trying to treat Munawaroh.
- Treatment(n)->> The treatment is running well.
Arrange the following words into right sentences
- Am – right – I – the – ward – in
- Now – are – out patient – you – clinic – the – in?
- Available – dr.Samsul – at – is – five o’clock
- Operation – the doctor- to do – minor – has – a
- The pharmacy – the – clinic – out patient – next to – is
Translate the following sentence into English!
- Budi, dapatkah kamu tunjukkan kepada saya dimana ruang rontgen di RS. Urip?
- Jam berapa operasi Tn. Patrick dimulai?
- Apakah klinik Maju Mundur buka 24 jam, suster?
- Apakah ini jalan yang benar untuk menuju ruang Teratai?
- Tolong tunjukkan kepada saya arah ke Toilet!