Dongeng Singkat: “Manusia Kue Jahe” Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Sekolahbahasainggris- Kisah manusia kue jahe yang begitu lincah lari kesana kemari sangat terkenal di berbagai Negara. Penasaran dengan kisahnya? Silahkan membaca dongeng Manusia Kue Jahe dibawah ini:

Manusia Kue Jahe
(Gingerbread Man)
Once upon a time there was a pair of grandparents who lived in a small house on the edge of the forest. They were so lonely because only two of them without child. Grandma liked to sew, knit and made cakes to fill his days.
One day, the grandmother made gingerbread. He mixed butter, eggs, flour, ginger powder, ground cinnamon and sugar.
When the dough had finished, grandma liked form a cake. Grandma gave decoration of sugar to make the hair, mouth and clothes. Even eyes and buttons, grandma made of chocolate chips. Gingerbread looked so great.
Grandma insert the cake into the oven. When the cake was cooked, grandmother opened the oven door.
Grandmother surprised, gingerbread jumped up and ran out the door while singing,
“Run, run as faster as you can!
You can not catch me!
I’m the gingerbread man!” Gingerbread sang
Grandparents pursue gingerbread, but could not catch it.
Gingerbread continued to run and run. He met a cow.
“Mooo …!” Said the cow, “You look so delicious!” Cows tried chasing gingerbread too. Gingerbread run faster while singing,
“I ran out of the grandmother
I ran away from Grandpa
I can run away from you
I cannnn! ” he sang
Gingerbread run continuously, and he met with a horse.
“Iiiiee …!,” Said the horse to gingerbread, “You look so good. I want to eat you, “added the horse.
“But you can not horse!” said gingerbread.
“Grandma can not catch me
Grandpa can not catch me
Cows can not catch me
You think you can catch me? “
Gingerbread run while singing,
“Run, run as faster as you can!
You can not arrest
I’m the gingerbread man! ” he sang happily
Horse ran after the gingerbread, but could not catch it.
Gingerbread ran and ran, laughing and singing. He met with a chicken.
“Kokk, kokkk, Petokkk,” said chicken, “You seem suitable for my supper. I’m going to eat you, gingerbread.” Added chicken
But gingerbread just laughed.
“I ran out of the grandmother
I ran away from Grandpa
I ran out of cow
I ran out of horse
I also can run away from you
Sure I cannnn …! “
And gingerbread ran while singing,
“Run, run as fast as you can!
You can not arrest
I’m the gingerbread man! “
Chicken chased gingerbread, but could not catch it.
Gingerbread proud of it because he can run faster. “No one can catch me.” So he kept running and met a fox.
Gingerbread feel fox should know that he ran faster than the others.
“Mr. Fox,” said gingerbread. “Although I look delicious, I will not let you catch and eat me.”
“I ran faster than grandma
I ran faster than grandpa
I ran faster than cows
I run faster than horses
I ran faster than chicken
You also can not catch me “
But so unexpectedly, “Why do I have to catch you?” Said the fox. “I do not like gingerbread. I do not want to eat you. “
“But you can no longer run away from the people who came after you,” said the fox. “Look at the river over there!”
Gingerbread thought, when he crossed the river, his body would be wet and eventually destroyed. But he must go immediately to avoid arrested by the grandmother, grandfather, cows, horses and chickens were chasing him.
“Let me help you cross. Come up to my tail, so your feet do not get wet. “
Gingerbread rose to foxes. The fox took him across the river. Shortly thereafter, foxes began to sink.
“Get on my back,” said fox to Gingerbread to climbed into the back.
But a moment later, the fox began to wet backs. “My head is higher,” said the fox. Gingerbread jump to the head of a fox.
But soon, the water was about gingerbread’s legs. “Come up to my nose. You’re safe here. “
Gingerbread jumped to the nose, but … “HA!” The fox biting ginger cake and ate it up.
“Gingerbread is delicious,” said
fox in his mind. “Who does not like gingerbread?” he said.
The End.
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