Kumpulan Soal Subjunctive Dan Preference Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Kunci Jawaban Lengkap

Sahabat SBI masih ingat apa yang dimaksud dengan subjunctive dan preference? pada materi sebelumnya kita telah banyak membahas mengenai materi tersebut. Sedikit mengulas mengeneai subjunctive dan preference dalam bahasa inggris, subjunctive digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu keingingan atau keadaan yang tak terpenuhi atau untuk menyatakan siatuasi yang bertentangan dengan fakta. Ada dua bentuk subjunctive yaitu present subjunctive dan past subjunctive. Berikut admin berikan contoh soalnya beserta dengan jawaban lengkapnya. Check this out 🙂
1.I am planning to go to a party tonight, but it’s raining very hard now. I wish_____
a.it stops
b.it will stop
c.it would stop
d.it has stopped
Jawaban : C
Key word : Now
2.Rust can deteriorate a steel pipe to such an extent that it will snap easily____it were twig.
c.as though
Jawaban : C
Key word : will snap easily
3.She went to the blackboard as if she knew how to solve the problem. The italic words mean____
a.she actually can’t solve the problem
b.she ought to know how to solve the problem
c.she definitely knew how to solve the problem
d.she should know how to solve the problem
Jawaban : A
Key word : as if she knew how to solve the problem
4. I am sorry I cannot go to the airport to see your mother off. I wish I_____to work overtime tonight.
a.wouldn’t have
b.haven’t had
c.don’t have
d.won’t have
Jawaban : A
key word : tonight
5.Being an outgoing person, Andrew_____his time with friends on saturday nights than stay at home.
a.might be spending
b.would rather spend
c.could have spent
d.ought to have spent
Jawaban : B
key word : than
6.”why don’t you ask your sister to come along with us to the movie?”
“I did, but she_____stay at home”
a.used to
d.would rather
Jawaban : D
Key word : ask your sister to come along;stay at home
6.”Tita, are you going to see the dentist this afternoon”
“I wish I didn’t ave to”
we may conclude that____to the dentist
a.she doesn’t have to go
b.she needs to go
c.she is willing to go
d.she has gone
Jawaban : B
Key word : I wish I didn’t have to
8.”you didn’t like the horror film you saw yesterday, did you?”
“you’re right. I really wish___”
a.I did not see it
b.I wouldn’t see it
c.I had not seen it
d.I have not seen it
Jawaban : c
key word : you saw yesterday
9.The past few years in the last decade the rate of crime has been hight due to the increase in the rate of unemployment. Today people wish the local government_____first priority to the solution of this problem.
b.would give
c.had given
d.will give
Jawaban : B
Key word : today
10.My sister acted as if she were the actreess. This sentence means____
a.she is an actrees
b.she was an actrees
c.she is not a actrees
d.whe was not an actress
Jawaban : C
Key word : as if she were the actress
Semoga dapat menjadi referensi belajar, Happy Studying 🙂
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